Industrial Solar Vs Household Solar


Published at - September 16, 2021

4 min read


A solar system is a reliable and sustainable source of power for both residential areas and industrial areas. Nowadays, both company owners and household owners are looking to switch their source of energy to solar energy. Various reasons dictate this decision. The biggest of them is the cost-benefit analysis. On the other hand, there is governmental and international pressure to reduce dependency on fossil fuels in the industries. Besides, many governments subsidize raw materials for solar panels to encourage solar panels usage.

Although there is no rigid difference between Industrial or Commercial solar and Residential and Household solar, they are often apart in terms of efficiency, size, needs, installations and colours. In addition to that, there can be a difference in installation costs. In this blog, we will try to point out the major differences between industrial and household solar panels.

Is Industrial Solar More Efficient?

Commercial solar electricity is around 2% more efficient than household solar power. Industries need more power to run and therefore industrial Solar Systems are bound to be more efficient. Therefore, those who run an Industry install better solar panels in a wide space. Commercial solar panels are capable of producing more power than smaller residential panels because they include more cells and are considered larger. In terms of efficiency, commercial solar panels are more efficient (19.6%) than residential solar panels (18.1%). On the other hand, residential solar panels don’t require as much power as an industrial site. Therefore, those who use solar energy as a source of power in their home can afford to buy less efficient solar panels which are less expensive. They also can afford less space to install their solar panels. But for the people running industries, their stakes are bigger.


Is Industrial Solar Bigger in Size?

commercial solar panels are, on average, larger than residential solar panels. A domestic solar panel system has 72 cells and measures 65 by 39 inches, whereas a commercial solar panel system has 96 cells and is 78 by 39 inches. Residents can have solar panels that are commercial-sized if they don't mind the size. Commercial-sized solar panels, on the other hand, produce more power and are more efficient, therefore they should be considered for your home. Also, as an Industry owns a great deal of space. Therefore, they can afford a lot of solar arrays regarding their needs.

Is the Installation Cost of Industrial Solar Grander than Residential Solar?

We use mounted racking technology to install both residential and commercial solar panel installations. However, in many households, there are sloped roofs which often makes raking unnecessary if the slope angle is right, and more complicated if the slope angle is wrong. Commercial solar power systems can use a mounting mechanism that does not require access to the roof, making installation much easier. Solar panels for homes must be installed flat against the shingles, which necessitates a considerably slower and more cautious installation technique. However, in most industries, there are ground-mounted solar panels and panels on flat roofs. Commercial solar power systems can use a mounting mechanism that does not require access to the roof, making installation much easier. Solar panels for homes must be installed flat against the shingles, which necessitates a considerably slower and more cautious installation technique. However, as the industry demands greeted efficiency- the panels need to installed properly and efficiently so that they can offer the highest performance. Also, panels are usually installed throughout plenty of space which increases the labour cost. Moreover, for industry, it is recommended to use the best solar technology in the market which definitely costs more. Commercial systems, in addition to that, can take up to a month to install, but residential solar panels are typically installed in days.

Does Commercial Solar System Feature more Action?

For those who want to get off the grid and switch to solar, many options are open for them. Companies may install panel systems on their rooftops in the same manner that residential buildings do, but they could also go a lot more inventive. Solar-panelled parking lots, as well as ground installations inside the surrounding terrain, are another option. Also, innovation can take place- like floating solar panels and panels on the wall. Often, residential homes are not as flexible as industrial sites.

Overall, none of these distinctions is utterly rigid. You may manufacture your residential area, increase your installation budget and maintenance cost to get solar systems as efficient as industrial systems. Industry or home- Go Solar!!